Guardian readers 

Readers’ tips: local tours and trips in Southeast Asia

There is so much to do on a break to Asia and so little time. What's your tip for a must-do activity or tour? Send in your tip via GuardianWitness and the best tip wins a Jack Wolfskin backpack worth £130

Tourist kayaks headed into a dark cave tunnel, Halong Bay, Vietnam
Tourist kayaks headed into a dark cave tunnel, Halong Bay, Vietnam. Photograph: Marcia Chambers/Alamy Photograph: Marcia Chambers/Alamy

Flights, accommodation, major days out: these are all things you can book before you leave your house. The problem with Asia is that the spirit of spontaneity tends to overwhelm you once you land as there is so much to see. Can you recommend a local tour operator, a must-do day trip or a great activity hosted by locals that you can sort out on the hoof?

The winner of this week's competition wins a Radical Peak 40 Jack Wolfskin backpack worth £130. Submit your tips by clicking on the blue button and using the text tab. Try and include as much detail as possible – location, website address etc – and feel free to add a photo if you own the copyright to it, but it will be the text we're judging! Your tip should be around 100 words. Terms and conditions.

Closes 9 October at 7am BST

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